

Hyo-Jin attends the funeral of her younger sister in South Korea, her homeland. Denying the pain caused by her loss, she decides to shorten her stay in Korea and swiftly returns home to Montreal. But her sister’s death disturbs her daily life, triggering irrational thoughts despite her scientific and pragmatic spirit.

  • Canada
  • 2019, 19 min
  • Director: Andrée-Anne Roussel
  • Director of photography: Ian Lagarde
  • Editor: Mathieu Bouchard-Malo
  • Screenplay: Andrée-Anne Roussel
  • Music: Keiko Devaux
  • Cast: Hyunjin Park, Marco Ledezma
  • Art Director: Jonas Veroff Bouchard
  • Producer: Fanny Drew, Sarah Mannering
  • Production: Colonelle Films

23.1. 18:30 Praha | Světozor - Grand Hall
25.1. 19:00 Praha | Kino Pilotů

Andrée-Anne Roussel

Andrée-Anne Roussel is both a filmmaker and new media artist. She holds a bachelor degree in film production and a masters in communications from L’Université du Québec à Montréal. Her interactive video installations and sensory short films are the result of her research on the themes of ambiguity, failure, fragility, and empathy. Her work has been shown at the Sapporo International Short Film Festival, Musée d’art de Joliette, and the LABoral Centre de Arte.